Algorithmus is an international contest in algorithm programming, in which IT experts solve complex algorithmic challenges using Java, C++ and Go. This contest provides a wide range of real-world problems in the form of interesting challenges. You can find your own way in implementing solutions. It allows to demonstrate your creative and technical skills and get valuable awards.
Participant Requirements
- Algorithmus contest is for experienced and practicing IT experts.
- No entry fee is required.
- All participants must register to take part in the Algorithmus contest.
- Registration on the contest is available from 11:00 AM to 11 PM on 13rd of June, 2019 (Moscow time zone UTC + 3).
- The contest organizer can make a decision to disqualify any сontestant for submitting invalid information during the registration process.
- Solutions must be created solely by the contestant.
- Teamwork is not allowed and can lead to disqualification.
Contest Process
- All сontestants are able to submit and validate their solutions automatically using validation system during the contest.
- The сontestants should submit in the web interface his or her solutions only if the solutions are ready. They won’t be able to submit and validate the same solutions again.
- The сontestants must select their programming language before submitting their solutions in the web interface. Pay attention that default programming language is Java.
- After submitting the solutions by сontestants, the validation system runs them against a bunch of test cases that are the same for all contestants.
- The solutions are considered as accepted if they produce correct answers to all test cases in the given time and memory limits.
- Validation is run automatically, so the solutions have to satisfy input and output formats described in the task descriptions.
- All input data has to be proper and satisfy all constraints mentioned in the task description.
- The сontestants can spend as much time as they want on solving the tasks but their solutions must be submitted by 10:00 PM on 20th of June, 2019 (Moscow time zone, UTC + 3). Otherwise their solutions wouldn't be validated.
- The сontestants are considered by quality of solved tasks.
- The ones who solve all the tasks with the same quality are considered individually the judges.
- The judges check code quality, their logic of algorithms and singularity of their approaches. Then the judges vote for a сontestant who is the best from their point of view.
All сontestants are considered as substantial contributors and get electronic diplomas that indicate their results.